Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We found out that our last idea, Storification, has already been done by both Microsoft and Nokia research. SenseCam does everything we wanted to do and more. So, we changed our idea to focus on the audio aspect of memory aid. Hence, the new project summary below.

In our project proposal, I put a tentative timeline that we can use to get through this project. Look for it on the left - we'll need to split up the work so we do this efficiently.

First step: Test the speech recognition software James sent in the e-mail:

Link to all speech recognition software: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_speech_recognition_software

CMU Sphinx — James
HTK — copyrighted by Microsoft, but altering the software for the Licensee's internal use is allowed. - J
ISIP Toolkit - James
Julius — BSD-style license too old, japanese
Simon — GPL Licence - J
VoxForge — open source, GPL _ KD

And I'll send an e-mail to the Nokia Research lecturer, Péter Pál Boda, once I find his e-mail...

One more thing - I changed the URL of our blog. Too bad talksense.blogger.com was already taken. Any other suggestions? Leave them in the comments. =)

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